The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Monday 20 June 2011

End of 3rd Term - "Rain Man" -the film we saw in class

I've choosen this film to end up the schoolyear. I do hope you've enjoyed seeing it.
It's an excellent film that deals with the problem of handiccapped people and  the way other people must show how much they care for them. These two brothers weren't given the chance to grow up together. Yet, they end up by getting closer and closer. Raymond , or Rain Man , as his younger  brother , Charlie, called him, when he was a little child, prooved to be a very sensitive man. The autistic* guy, Raymond , managed to  show  his younger brother, Charlie, how much he loved much he cared for him, and as a famous English playwright said: "- all is well, that ends well". This film did have a happy ending, don't you think ?

* Autistic person - someone who suffers from a mental disorder that makes him / her unable to communicate properly  or to form relationships.- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English- Longman - 3rd Edition

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