The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Wednesday 29 February 2012

February 29 - LEAP Day or FROG Party


Seeking a theme to promote their community, the Anthony, Texas/New Mexico
Chamber  of  Commerce  voted  in  1988 to  sponsor a " Worldwide Leap Year
Festival " and "Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club." Based on this celebration
and because no other place in the world regularly sponsors such an event, the
Chamber claimed title and the then governors of New Mexico and Texas issued
proclamations naming Anthony, New Mexico/Texas
In 1988, with only one month to plan following the proposal of the  project, the
celebration was  limited to a small  birthday  party. Even with  such  short notice
nine people celebrated their Leap Year birthdays together and guests came from
Deming , New  Mexico  and  Amarillo, Texas , as well as  Anthony, El  Paso  and
Las Cruces.
In 1992, a few thousand people enjoyed a two-day festival with events including
a parade, hot air balloons, a carnival, golf tournament, arts and crafts fair,  and more. There were twenty three Leap Year celebrants sharing a huge birthday cake. "Twenty niners" came from California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, and one lady came fromMunich, Germany.
Anthony ( New Mexico- Texas - USA) - The Leap Year Capital of the World
In January 1996 the Anthony, New Mexico Post Office was designated "Leap Year Station" and granted a commemorative postal cancellation. Membership in the Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club has grown from zero in 1988 to over 400 in 2003, including members born on every Leap Year Dayin the 1900s (there have been 23.) The members hail from almost every statein the Union, also from Germany, England, Norway, Mexico and Canada.
   1988-2012 The Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club, Mary Ann Brown, Founder
Mary Ann Brown


Mary Ann Brown
on the local news,
channel 4, promoting
Anthony, NM/TX
and Leap Year Day.
Born February 29, 1932 she is a Leap Year Day Baby on a mission. In just about every article regarding the Leap Year Capital of the World, and the Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club, you'll see Mary Ann Brown's name. That's because she founded the birthday club and the Worldwide Leap year Festival with two things in mind: to promote her community and to bring deserved recognition to Leap Year Day. After all, that extra day, added to our calendars just once every four years, keeps our seasons regulated...

to have  a bash - fazer uma festa ( linguagem  coloquial)
To leap - salatar,pular
frog - rã
party - festa
Leap year - ano bisexto
Frog Game Ideas

Musical Lily Pads
Cut out large lily pads for kids to stand on. If there will be 10 kids then cut out 9 pads.
Arrange the pads on the floor, use masking tape to tape down. Play some music and when the music stops the kids must hop onto a lily pad. Each round eliminate a player until there is one winner.
Pass the Toad
Using a stuff animal frog, play this game like "Hot Potato". Eliminating a player who has the frog when the music stops until there is one winner left.
Ribbit, Ribbit, Jump
Just a different version of "Duck, Duck, Goose". The player tapped on the head when the word "jump" is said must hop and try to catch the other player who must also hop around to get back to the empty spot.
Leap Frog Relay
Divide guest into teams and create a start and finish line. Each team player must leap like a frog from start to finish, then the next player can go. The team with all players at the finish line first wins.
Leap Day Commemoration
Leap Day Cake
Leap Day
Game Ideas
Catch 29 Use plastic frogs (or fish) and number a few with the number 29 on their belly.
Place frogs in a small wading pool or tub with water. Let each player using a small fish tank net, capture a frog. If his frog has 29 on it, he wins!
Roll 29 Using 3 inflatable dice, each player gets two rolls (roll all 3 dice together twice) to add up his numbers to get to 29. If a player goes over they are out. The closest to 29 wins. In case of a tie, have a roll off. Scavenger Hunt 29 Split players into two teams. Create a list of 29 items that each team must collect. Give each team a bag. Each team has an adult guide to take them through the neighborhood knocking on neighbors doors for items on their list. Each team can have the same or different list, you choose. Set how many items per household can be donated. First team to collect all 29 items and return to the party house wins!
4 Corners
Best if played with 6 or more players.
To begin, four corners (or general areas) of the room are marked from the numbers one to four.
One player is designated to be "It," or the "counter." This player sits in the middle of the room, closes his eyes, and counts to ten. The remaining players choose any one of the corners and quietly go and stand in that area. When the "It" player has finished counting, he calls out one of the numbers. All players who had chosen that corner or area are out of the game, and they sit down.
Then, "It" counts again and the remaining players move to a different corner.
The last person to still be in the game wins, and usually becomes the new "It."
If "It" calls out a corner containing no players, he either calls out another number right away or the players rotate to a new corner, you choose which version to play.
Leap Day Birthday Party

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