The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Millionaire Game (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)


Click on the Fortune Wheel to start the game
Who wants to play the Millionaire Game ?
Well...let's try.
One or two pupils / teams at a time, OK ?

Good luck!

Possessive case

Click on the question word above.
Do the exercises and check the answers
Give it a try!

Possessive case

Whose hat is it?
It is Mr. Star's hat.
Click on Mr. Star...
Follow the model and do the exercise.
You can check your answers in the end.

Possessive case / Possessive adjectives otr pronouns

Click the picture above to open the internet page.
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the required and correct information, using either the Possessive case ('s) , the Possessive adjectives ( my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their ) or the Possessive pronouns ( mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs)
Good Luck !

Exercises - Possessive case

Read the information and try to do the suggested exercises.
Pay attention, please!

Como indicar posse ( a quem pertence)

Lê atentamente as explicações. ( A imagem pode ser aumentada, clicando no canto inferior direito; para voltar ao tamanho inicial, clica tecla Esc)
Observa atentamente os exemplos.
Tenta entender a diferença no uso entre a Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa.
Recorda e interioriza o que aprendeste.
Realiza os exercícios sugeridos.
Quaisquer dúvidas serão, como sempre, tiradas na aula.
Bom e proveitoso trabalho!
PS: Esta ficha será objecto de estudo na aula.


Click above and do the exercises.
Order in palphabetical order, complete, do the crossword .
Good Luck!


Click on the picture above.
Do the suggested worksheet.
Copy the new words into your exercise book.

School Objects

Click above and do the worksheet
Copy the results into your exercise book.


Click on the picture.
Do the suggested exercises.
Match words and pictures...
Copy and memorize new words.


Click on the picture.
Do the suggested exercises.
Copy the new vocabulary into your exercise book.

School Objects

Click  above.
Do the suggested exercises.
Learning new contents depends on you. Take a chance on it!


Click on the picture.
Listen and repeat the name of the different school objects

School subjects / SONG

Click on the picture.
Do the exercises and ...
while listening to the song - " What a wonderful world ( this would be )",
fill in the gaps. This song is performed by Simon and Garfunkel.

School subjects

Click above.
Label the pictures , unscramble the words.
Good Luck !

School subjects

Click on the picture and do the word search exercise. attention!
Copy the words into your exercise book.


Click him and do the suggested vocabulary exercises.
Copy the new words into your exercise book!